Education is a human right. Nevertheless, not everyone has access to education: 244 million children worldwide are denied access to school - the majority of them in countries characterized by financial poverty and crises. Yet education is essential for the chance of a better life.
Visions for Children e.V. campaigns for educational justice worldwide - in places where this has to be fought for at the risk of one's life. For over 18 years, the non-profit organization has been creating sustainable learning opportunities for children in crisis areas and building schools in regions that have been deeply shaken by conflict. The vision: a world in which every child can read and write.
“We see schools as anchor centers to give children a chance for a self-determined future and to create sustainable change with the communities of the entire region.” - Hila Limar, Chairwoman of the Board of Visions for Children e.V.
Education protects against exploitation, promotes self-responsibility and thus forms the basis for economic and social progress. According to United Nations estimates, access to basic education through the expansion of educational facilities could help around 171 million people worldwide to escape poverty by learning basic reading skills alone. Attending school could lead to a 12% reduction in poverty and a 10% increase in income within just one year.
Through education, children broaden their horizons, become more self-confident, show more solidarity and learn to lead their lives in a self-determined way. They act and think in the longer term and internalize the awareness that they can advance their own society. Education offers numerous opportunities for the population in affected areas: Reducing poverty, promoting jobs and growth, protecting against child marriage and child labor, minimizing child mortality rates, combating malnutrition and reducing inequality for women. Education is the key to a better future for children in crisis regions and makes a significant contribution to strengthening and cohesion in society.
By investing in education, Visions for Children e.V. creates the basis for sustainable change and a fairer world. The educational projects focus on the construction of school buildings and sanitary facilities, the installation of a water supply and training for the school community, which promotes understanding of measures and enables the further development of the project schools without external influence. Always in close partnership with local organizations on the ground and the beneficiary school communities. This is the only way to ensure the sustainable success of the projects. In recent years, 42,300 schoolgirls have been reached and projects have been implemented at 30 schools in war and crisis zones. With every pupil reached, the vision of a world in which every child can read and write comes a little closer.
But this vision can only be achieved together. In order for Visions for Children e.V. to continue and expand its work in war and crisis zones, the organization is dependent on donations. With a direct donation for a current education project or a regular donation as a supporting member, you too can make a contribution to greater educational justice and give children in war and crisis zones the chance of a self-determined future.